Resolute Monday: Book Clutter

I love books.  Books and magazines are one of the main sources of clutter in my home. Articles ripped from magazines on growing chillis; Digital story telling and breastfeeding; Books on Hypnosis; Quilting; Child development; 'Bad' science and History.  Have I read these? Some but not all. I buy books in two categories.
    1. Things I really want to read.
    2. Things I think I ought to read 

Invariably a number of books in the later category remain on the shelf untouched.  Sometimes even when I am interested in them, I don't read them.  I basically believe all subjects are interesting at least superficially  if shared in a thoughtful and engaging way. But even so....

I often buy books on subjects I think I should know about and do not read them.  'World Conflicts' sat on my shelf for 15 years barely touched.  When I was 17 my then boyfriend told me 'You are a very intelligent person but you have enormous gaps in your knowledge.'

Good lord. What a prize he was.

Whether he had a point or not, I have variously felt a bit stupid in social situations and felt a need to plug these enormous, cavernous brain vacuums.  I was thinking about this when I read a chapter of The Happiness Project where Gretchen  Ruben laments her taste in music, wishing she liked 'cool jazz stuff' she nonetheless reminds herself to 'Be Gretchen' and so I agree I should endeavour to be me. I am unlikely to get started on 'Risk: The Science and Politics of Fear'  or 'Designing successful E-learning' whilst jostling for space on the same shelf there is 'Playful Learning' and 'Oliver & S: Litle things to sew'. There is a line between expanding your knowledge and using your precious time (not to mention book money) wading through a less than engaging book on the political situation in China (unless the political situation in China is what lights your fire of course). So a great many books have been driven out from the bookshelf hopefully leaving space to focus on the things I really love. 

Much to my sisters disgust I have relented and bought a Kindle.  Though I do agree you cannot beat the feel of a book, some books I would like to read but do not need on my bookshelf. I managed to generate enough spends from selling clutter that my Kindle effectively cost me £10. So I am pretty pleased with myself and my new Kindle. And the instant fix of downloading a book in under a minute is pretty pleasing too.


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